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Travex is a superior Destination Management Company (DMC) operating on a B2B basis in the Europe, Middle East, India and Asian markets.
Travex creates a premium Travel Experience in the Caucasus region.
Our team has been selling services since 2015 through partner companies and agents. Subsequently, to provide services in Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia.
Travex comprehensively represents unique locations, excellent hotels, and quality services to its customers. On the other side, Travex creates connections that can develop into solid and enduring partnerships.
Travex was First Established as a supplier for worldwide DMC in 2017 and has adapted over time, based on different challenges, especially after the pandemic in 2020. Since 2021, Travex has started operating as DMC for the Caucasus region.
We manage a range of services that makes travel experiences work. We organize individual, family, and group travel, business meetings, school expeditions, training, corporate and other events related to tourism.
Travex represents the perfect multiservice company for those looking for fewer intermediates and higher quality.
We retain the desire and potential to be an active participant in the processes that take place in the tourism industry and to make our product recognizable.
We rouse our clients to move on with a rich life brimming with extraordinary travel encounters.